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(大闽食品(漳州)有限公司,福建 漳州 363005;吉克检测技术(福建)有限公司,福建 漳州 363005)



Uncertainty Evaluation of Determination ofChlorpyrifos-ethyl in Tea by Gas chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

GONG Xiao-li

( Damin Foodstuff(Zhangzhou)Co.,Ltd.,Zhangzhou 363005,China;JiKe Testing Technology(Fujian)Co.,Ltd.,Zhangzhou 363005,China)

Abstract: Gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(GC-MS/MS)was used to determine the chlorpyrifos-ethylin tea and the uncertainty of the determination results was evaluated. According to the detection method andmathematical model, the uncertainty of the whole detection process is analyzed, and the uncertainty of themeasurement results is evaluated.The uncertainty of measurement results mainly comes from the working curve fittingin sample determination and pretreatment in sample preparation (i.e. recovery).The measurement results of thechlorpyrifos- ethyl in tea samples was expressed as:(0.0960 ± 0.0172)mg/kg.The method has high accuracy and issuitable for the determination of Chlorpyrifos-ethyl in tea,which can provide a reference for scientific determinationof detection results.

Key words: gas chromatography tandem msss spectrometry;tea;chlorpyrifos-ethyl;uncertainty

中图分类号:TS207       文献标志码:A       文章编号:1007-7871(2022)06-0010-05





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