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(长春光华学院,吉林 长春 130000)

摘要:抽取72 名大学生为被试者,采用单因素被试者内设计,探究包装形状对诱发饮品味觉预期的影响研究———让36名被试者对Spence 所提出的经典的实验范式:棱角形—碳酸感,圆润形—柔和口感这两对特定的形状—味觉匹配关系进行检验。结果证明这种特定的形状—味觉对应关系确实存在,研究二相当于对研究一的反证,以36 名大学生为被试者,探究在饮品外包装标签中利用特定的抽象形状是否能诱发大学生对饮品本身产生特定的味觉预期,结果显示:棱角形标签能够诱发大学生产生口感碳酸的预期,而圆润形标签能够诱发大学生产生口感柔和的预期。由此可得出结论:包装形状对诱发饮品味觉预期有影响。


Experimental Research on the Taste Anticipation of Beverages Induced by Packaging Shape

JIANG Jia-li,ZHOU Jing-yu

(Changchun Guanghua University,Changchun 130000,China)

Abstract: 72 college students were selected as subjects and a single factor was designed to explore whether the shapeof package could induce people’s specific taste anticipation of beverages. The experiment one tests the classicexperimental paradigm proposed by Spence with 36 subjects: the angular shape corresponds to the carbonate taste, therounded shape corresponds to the soft taste. The results prove that this specific shape-taste correspondence does exist.The experiment two with 36 subjects is equivalent to the counter-evidence of experiment one: to explore whether theuse of specific shape of label in the package of beverage can induce specific taste anticipation of the drink. The resultsshow that the angular label can induce the anticipation of carbonic acid and the rounded label can induce the students tohave a soft taste anticipation. It can be concluded that the shape of package has an effect on the taste anticipation ofbeverage.

Key words: packaging shape;taste anticipation;transsensory channel;taste experience



版权所有:中国饮料工业协会 电话:010-84464668
邮箱:ylgy@chinabeverage.org 传真:010-84464236 邮编:100027 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环北路丙二号天元港中心B座1702室